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Week 9: Space and art

This week, we bring up discussion on space art. To many focused on the scientific and technical issues of spaceflight, art can seem like a distraction. Yet few would dispute that art, in its many diverse forms, can provide an emotional connection difficult to duplicate elsewhere. With much of the public indifferent to space exploration today, understanding the role that art can play in enlightening and inspiring audiences well outside the narrow niche of the space field can go a long way towards building broader interest in and support for space ventures across the board. The most prevalent connection between space and art is seen in movies about outer spaces. From the last decades, there are more and more popular films setting the background as the universe. Also, there are many diverse topics discussed in these films.   For example, there are a field of movies discussing the presence of aliens. The depictions of the aliens are also diverse. In the recently released movie Aliens,

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